What is Content Marketing?
Content marketing (creating & sharing your own content with a specific audience in mind) has been around for a while, and it continues to be a fantastic way to attract and engage with your target audience.
Through your content, you can position yourself as an expert in your field, provide useful information on your product or service, and offer clear next steps so a reader knows what they should do next in their journey (either learn more, or work with you/someone like you).
Why Web Design Matters
Some brands place their focus solely on marketing. They want to drive as many people to their website as possible in the hopes that this traffic will translate to sales.
The issue with this strategy is that there is no guarantee that once a visitor gets to your website, they'll decide to become a customer.
You only have a few seconds to convince someone to stay on your website.
So, if your site doesn't quickly offer relevant information and clear next steps to take, they're going to leave.
If you let it, your website can be your most effective salesperson. It's accessible 24/7, can educate a visitor so they have the information they need to take the next step, and even facilitate that next step.
Web Design & Your Brand
The design of your website needs to be consistent with your branding.
From the colors and fonts used, to the images and writing style of your copy, your website should be consistent.
Use up to 3 types of fonts (& stick to those fonts only!)
Stick to your set color scheme (if you don't have a color scheme, take time to establish it)
Pick an overall theme & keep it in mind throughout the design
Don't be different just for the sake of being different (a simple website that is easy to navigate is better than a complicated, feature heavy site that is confusing)
Web Design & Content Marketing Working Together
Our philosophy is that your website is never truly "done."
There will always be data-driven tweaks you can make, copy you can update to better communicate your offer, and steps you can streamline with technology to make both a visitor's life and your life easier.
The design of your website and content you create for your marketing efforts need to go hand in hand.
What Content Needs to Be Included on Your Homepage
When a visitor lands on your homepage, you'll want to quickly answers the 5 following questions:
What you do
Who it's for
Why they need it
Why trust you
What to do next
In order to make data-driven decisions, you need optics on your data. This is important because without optics, you have not idea what's working and what isn't.
Without data you're simply making gut based choices that don't help to identify what the most effective strategy is.
OR, what could be tweaked to provide a better result.
Creating a Memorable Brand
The design of your website and the content you create to market your business matter.
They both impact each other and how your target audience views your brand.
As the owner of your small business, you want to make sure that every dollar and hour spent on your business counts.
So, take the time to build a solid foundation online, AND get the best possible return on your efforts!