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Why Marketing Is So Important

Updated: Jan 24, 2022

You can have the best service or product in the world, but if no one knows about you or what you offer, it won’t do you any good.

In this post, we’re going to talk about why marketing is so important. It’s often a key factor in businesses that succeed or those that fail.

Many business owners become so focused on other aspects of their business (their offer, employees, what their competitors are doing, fancy features on their website, etc.) that they forget to create a plan for how people will find them online.

Through digital marketing you can:

  1. Drive more traffic to your website

  2. Increase brand awareness through social media

  3. Optimize organic search results to help you appear higher in search results

  4. Add subscribers to your community

  5. Build an affiliate network that can recommend your business

  6. Advertise your business to new audiences, so you appear in the ad section of search results & social

With these goals in mind, let’s talk about 5 key reasons to focus on your marketing.

1. Educate

Get on your customer’s radar through your content, (blog posts, videos, podcasts, info graphics, guides, etc.) and make sure you communicate:

  1. Your Vision

  2. Who It’s For

  3. Why They Need It

  4. What Makes You Different

  5. Why They Should Trust You

  6. What to Do Next

So many brands forget to communicate this through their marketing, as well as their website.

They get lost in trying to sound cool, or look a certain way that their message becomes fuzzy.

Your audience needs to know within 2-3 seconds what you do, who it’s for and why they need it.

Keep this in mind while you work to make your content personable and relatable to your target audience.

This way your personality while shine through and your business will feel approachable.

2. Engage

Once you’re consistently creating content and are getting some responses from your audience, make sure you engage and respond!

Marketing is about starting conversations, so it’s important that when a conversation starts up, you keep it going. What we’re talking about is different from pushing your offers and annoying your audience.

The content you share should be of value to your audience – interesting and worth their time to consume it.

Answering in a timely manner is also a great way to build trust and set the expectation of what it would be like to work with you or purchase your product.

Pro Tip: If someone likes one of your posts on social media, invite them to like your page or ask them what they liked about it. Remember, we’re looking to start conversations!

3. Build Relationships

Everyone wants to belong. If you can create a community that reflects your brand’s culture and people are excited to participate, you’re on the right track!

Creating a community also helps to position you as an expert and a leader. You can help guide the conversation and continue to educate their audience while continuing to provide value.

This is a great way for your audience to get to know your business, and keep you top of mind.

Even if they don’t need your service right now, they can either keep you in mind for future work, or recommend you to someone they know who could benefit from what you offer.

4. Opportunity to Sell

Data driven marketing is where you can really start to see what’s working and what isn’t.

Your data tells the real story and if you have your tracking setup correctly, you can see what marketing efforts resulted in a sale or increasing your community of followers.

Make sure you know your numbers! What products or services are you selling the most of? What kind of marketing campaign could you create with the goal of encouraging sales for a particular offer?

If you have this data, you can then make data-driven decisions, rather than decisions that are based on a gut feeling.

Pro Tip: If you don’t have tracking in place, or aren’t sure how a customer found out about you, ask! It also doesn’t hurt to ask what motivated them to work with you or purchase your product.

Pay attention to their word choice and see if you can incorporate key phrases or words into your marketing to attract similar customers.

5. Control Growth

Successful marketing plans have a set focus. Once you have a goal in mind, you can work backwards and outline the steps you need to take in order to reach that goal.

A quick way to exhaust your time and budget is to just start doing things in the hopes that something will work.

Only with a strategy behind your tactics and tools can you have a successful marketing campaign that gets the best value from your time, effort and budget.

Want Help With Your Marketing or Have Questions?

Schedule a free strategy session with our team! We’ll chat about your business, goals and how we can help.

If we’re not a good fit, our goal is still for you to leave the call with actionable steps you can take.

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