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Starting Conversations Through Online Marketing

Updated: Jul 19, 2021

Technology has a way of making things feel complicated – especially to those who are not tech savvy! Many business owners will hold off on marketing their business online because it feels overwhelming.

There’s always a new solution, tool or tactic out there, and it can be tempting to chase the shiny new option in the hopes that this will be a quick way to address their goal of getting more business.

But, when you break it down, effective marketing isn’t about flashy tech or stunning design, it’s about starting a conversation.

6 Tips to Help You Start More Conversations Online

In this post, we’re going to share 6 tips to help you start more conversations through your online marketing. Schedule time in your week to do these 6 things and you’ll see a change in your results.

1. Create Specific Content

When creating your content, think about what problem your audience is dealing with.

Consider, how would they phrase their problem and what words would they use to search for a solution? Are they aware they even have a problem? Would they know know there is another way?

2. Be Human

People buy from other people. Being vulnerable and human can be scary because it feels like you’re opening yourself up for judgement or criticism. BUT, by being human, not only are you truly living, you are telling the world who you are and the type of person you want to work with.

If it doesn’t vibe with some, or some are haters that’s okay. You’re not trying to do business with everyone. Instead, focus on those you can help and are a joy to work with!

3. Ask Questions

A great way to start a conversation is with a question. What did they like about what you shared? Why did they resonate with it? What are they struggling with?

Through questions, you can find out more about your target audience, and not only fine-tune your messaging, but also start a conversation!

4. Be Thankful

Your mama was right, please and thank yous go a long way. If someone engages with your post or joins your community, thank them! Even if a conversation doesn’t start from it, you’ve shown that you are someone who is appreciative and kind – attributes that many look for when doing business.

This might seem like a no-brain-er, but the same goes for partnerships. Whether they’re a current partner, or asking to form a partnership with you, be kind and be thankful.

5. Monitor Engagement

No matter how automated your marketing gets, it’s not something you can set and forget. It’s important to set reminders for you to come back and review your marketing efforts.

  1. Track how much engagement you’re getting.

  2. What in particular are people resonating with?

  3. How can you continue to tweak and fine tune your messaging?

  4. Where do you see most of your engagement (social media, on a blog post, in a forum?)

Make a note of everything and you’ll start to see a pattern. This will help you make data-driven decisions moving forward that will help to strengthen your marketing campaign AND start more conversations!

6. Don’t Overthink It!

The biggest pitfall we see is paralysis by analysis. No one is going to be perfect. You will make mistakes. Links might break, there could be a typo, or someone writes a mean comment. It’s not fun, but it’s unavoidable. Why? Because we are human!

Don’t let yourself get caught up in the quest for perfection, and instead do something! Some progress is better than no progress.

Write that article you’ve been putting off, share a motivational quote, and be a guest on a podcast (even if you’re an introvert)!

Putting It All Together

Engage with your audience and grow your community by starting conversations. Starting a conversation helps you build awareness around your brand, the problems you solve, and stay top of mind.

Don’t let the fear of not being perfect or turning some people off stop you from marketing your business online.

Starting Conversations Through Online Marketing

If you create content with a specific audience in mind, are human, ask questions, are thankful, monitor your efforts, and don’t overthink it, you’ll be successful with your online marketing!

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