Website and Marketing Plan Created During Fundamentals
It's always fun for our team when we get to learn more about a particular industry. In this case, we learned about metrology!
If you're like us, your first question might be what is Metrology?
Metrology is the scientific study of measurement. Metrology services typical involve testing, calibrating, and making adjustments to meet tolerance standards prescribed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology.
It allows manufactures to produce products more accurately and at a higher standard. This can help reduce costs while improving overall quality.
Back to the build! Step 1: Stylescape
We start with stylescapes to establish the color scheme, fonts, design assets, and images for the new website.
PJF chose not to use red in the color scheme because they wanted to use color to differentiate between their locations.

Step 2: Wireframes
Next, we create wireframes, which help us establish what content we'll need, where it will go, and how we want to guide a visitor through the website.
We chose to repeat certain sections of the website to build trust and direct a visitor to the next step, get a quote.

Step 3: Deliver Mobile-Friendly Wix Inspection Lab Website
The new website is clean, professional and easy to navigate. It presents key information of what they do, who it's for, why they need it, why trust them and what to do next.
We love the pre-header design, and the design elements that are repeated throughout the website.
About PJF Metrology South
Based in Duncan South Carolina, PJF Metrology South is one of the top metrology labs in North America. Their turn around time, experience level, quality service and communication sets them apart from the competition.