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How to Create a Small Business Website

A Step-by-Step Guide

Your website serves as your online storefront, showcasing your products or services and providing potential customers with the information they need to connect with you.

As a Wix expert, we're here to guide you through the process of creating a small business website step by step!

bike repair shop owner working on website

Step 1: Define Your Website’s Purpose and Goals

Before diving into the actual creation process, take a moment to clearly define the purpose of your website.

Are you looking to sell products online, provide information about your services, or perhaps showcase a portfolio?

Understanding your goals will help you design a website that meets your specific needs.


  • Identify your target audience and what they’re looking for

  • Determine key features you need (online store, booking system, or blog)

  • Set clear, measurable objectives for your website, like increasing sales or generating leads

Step 2: Choose a Domain Name

Your domain name is your website’s address on the internet, and it should be easy to remember and relevant to your business. Wix offers domain registration services, making it easy to secure your desired domain.


  • Keep it short and simple

  • Avoid numbers and hyphens

  • Choose a domain that reflects your business name or key services

Step 3: Select a Wix Plan

Wix provides a variety of plans tailored to different needs, from basic websites to full-featured e-commerce stores. Select a plan that best fits your business requirements.


  • Compare features of each plan to ensure it meets your needs

  • Consider future growth when choosing a plan

Step 4: Choose a Template

Wix offers a vast library of professionally designed templates. Choose a template that matches the aesthetic and functionality you want for your website. Templates are customizable, so you can tweak them to better suit your brand.


  • Look for templates in your industry category for inspiration

  • Choose a template with the layout and features you need

Step 5: Customize Your Website

Now it’s time to make the template your own. Use Wix’s intuitive drag-and-drop editor to customize your website.

Next, add your logo, change colors, and upload images to align with your brand identity.

Key Elements to Customize:

  • Homepage: Make a strong first impression with a clear message and engaging visuals

  • About Page: Tell your story and build trust with your audience by helping them quickly understand what you do and who it's for

  • Products/Services: Clearly display what you offer with detailed descriptions and high-quality images

  • Contact Information: Make it easy for visitors to get in touch with you

Step 6: Optimize for SEO

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is crucial for making your website discoverable on search engines like Google. Wix offers built-in SEO tools to help you optimize your site.


  • Use relevant keywords in your titles, descriptions, and content

  • Ensure your website loads quickly and is mobile-friendly

  • Create quality content that provides value to your visitors

Step 7: Set Up Analytics

Understanding how visitors interact with your website is key to improving it over time. Wix Analytics provides insights into your website’s performance.


  • Track important metrics such as visitor numbers, page views, and conversion rates

  • Use this data to make informed decisions about website updates and marketing strategies

Step 8: Launch Your Website

Before launching, preview your website to ensure everything looks and works perfectly. Once you’re satisfied, hit the publish button to make your site live.


  • Double-check all links, forms, and features

  • Share your new website on social media and with your email list to drive traffic

Step 9: Regularly Update Your Site

A successful website requires ongoing maintenance. Regularly update your content, add new blog posts, and keep your design fresh to keep visitors engaged.


  • Schedule regular content updates and audits

  • Monitor your website’s performance and make necessary adjustments

With these 9 steps, you’ll be well on your way to creating a professional and effective small business website. Remember, your website is a powerful tool for growth, so take the time to make it the best it can be.

Need Professional Help?

Creating a small business website can be straightforward with the right tools and guidance, but sometimes you might need expert help to take your site to the next level.

As Wix Legend Experts, we're here to assist you with professional web design and marketing services to ensure your business stands out online.

Contact Us:

Ready to create a stunning, effective website for your small business? Contact us today for a free consultation and let’s make your online goals a reality!

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