Dragon Master for Electronics is a specialized retail store that sells video games, Gaming PC, and other technologies.
They are based in Abu dhabi, and their mission is to “provide the best technology available to the UAE gamers in order to enhance their skills, or assist them in the game play.”


Since the world of video games is constantly updating, Dragon Master’s new look also incorporates some new features to enhance navigation. This included a dynamic drop down navigation that will automatically display images of categories or ads from the Admin section.
Other changes involved creating a custom slide design and slideshow, as well as rotating Banner Ads to showcase their latest featured products or current promotions.
Dragon Master’s Best Seller Section gives customers an attractive, easily recognizable visual of all of the hottest selling games, with links to their product page for additional information and purchase.

Dynamic Widget
Visuals and functionality are paramount considerations for video game enthusiasts looking to buy products and technology on a website, and the shop owner must be three steps ahead, anticipating what customers will want.
Suppose you could provide your customers with a section right on your homepage that would pull specific information from other pages within your store according to categories you’ve customized.
DragonMaster got just that with a customized Dynamic Widget that Ajaxes their Volusion category page, and pulls the relevant information, such as image, title, price, and a link, to populate three boxes: Best Sellers, New Releases, and Pre-Order. Best yet, it’s all easily managed within their respective categories through Volusion’s backend. Sweet!
Calling all Emirates, whether you wish to pick-up a 3DS copy of Legend of Zelda-A Link Between Worlds for the kids, or get your game-on with your own pre-ordered copy of Call of Duty- Advanced Warfare, check out DragonMaster, with a website that is all about being “from gamers to gamers!”