Cookies for Kids’ Cancer
How often do you get a chance to savor a delicious, hand baked cookie AND help pediatric cancer research at the same time?
Well, at Cookies for Kid’s Cancer, you can “be a Good Cookie” just by purchasing any of their all-natural, no preservative or trans fats varieties of mouth-watering gourmet cookies, as 100% of the profits from your order will go directly to benefit pediatric cancer research.
Bake Sales making a difference!
Liam’s mom, Gretchen, along with 250 volunteers baked and sold 96,000 cookies to raise more than $400,000 for research, and a mission to fund pediatric cancer research through cookie sales was born.
Nine treatments have been developed since 2008, with a large part of the funding coming from bake sales and other grassroots events.
Some of the delicious cookie options…
At Cookies for Kids’ Cancer, you can order from any of their 12 different gourmet varieties, including everything from “Chewy Oatmeal Raisin”, “Chocolate Almond Coconut”, and “Triple Chocolate Chunk” to my favorite, “Liam’s Lemon Sugar."
They also have subscriptions to Cookie of the Month Club, as well as a Gift Shop stocked with cool t-shirts, aprons, and Gretchen Holt-Witt’s cookbook, “Cookies for Kids’ Cancer: All the Good Cookies” among other goodies.
Another great feature about the Cookies for Kids’ Cancer website, you can get involved and make a difference in your own community by hosting your own Bake Sale, Run a Race, or having a Team Building Fundraiser. Maybe your teen is looking for a way to make a difference in the world today, bank some Community Service Hours for school, AND make some great memories with friends in the process!
Calabasas High School Bake Sale
Whether you already have your own club, group or team, or want to start one, all you do is REGISTER with Cookies for Kids’ Cancer in advance, and they will provide you with all the helpful tools, templates, and tips, to ensure that your event is successful.
Border7 Studios was thrilled to be able to help Cookies for Kids’ Cancer set up their store on Volusion, migrate their content, and provide dynamic menus loaded through Ajax, for seamless navigation.