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What are the benefits of a custom site?

What are the benefits of a custom site?

If you’re starting a business, then you’re probably thinking about building an online presence. This is a super exciting time, because you’re about to hire your most valuable representative! Whether you are looking to sell products, display information, or acquire contact info from interested parties, you’re going to want a website to represent your business.

Many solutions now offer free templates for you to chose from. This can be great for a business starting out that just wants to get out there. Eventually, I guarantee that you’re going to want to customize your site.  It might be because you started to notice that your template lacks some of the functionality you were hoping for, or you feel your site blends in with other sites out there, but either way, you’re going to want your own look.


Bigcommerce Themes

If you’re hesitant to invest, and customize your site, then think of your site as a suit. Sure you can go out, and find a cheap suit from a department store that looks the part, but let’s be honest here, it probably will be poorly made, and won’t fit you in all the right places.  If you put yourself in the position of one of your customers, would you be willing to give your money to a business that doesn’t look like it invests in itself? A cheaper option is gonna look just that, cheap, and it could cost you a sale.

So what makes a quality suit worth more money? Well, It’s a blend of the material being used, the experience of the designer, and the labor involved.  If you are paying more money for a suit, you know that not only were quality materials used, but there was a high level of attention to detail, and you are going to be able to enjoy your suit for a long time.

Photo by David Levitz

Photo by David Levitz

Your website is the most popular, and available representative of your company.  It knows everything about your business, and is always ready to showcase your new products, or updated information. So why not make sure that the representative from your company that the public will see the most is dressed the part?

A custom website can range anywhere from $2,000-$30,000+.  Why the massive range in price?  Well, it all comes down to:

  1. How much customization is required – (Do you want a simple design, or are you looking for something a little more intricate?)

  2. The functionality of the site – (How you would like the site to perform?)

  3. The amount of content that will be displayed – (If you have just a few pages of general information, this shouldn’t be a huge factor when determining the cost of your site, but if you have thousands of products, and are looking to also have a database for your members, then this will absolutely increase the price)

  4. The platform your site will be built on – (If you want a platform that will allow you to grow, and customize your site, then this too can impact the price of your website)

So if you’re just starting out, review your budget, and think about how you want the best representative from your company to be dressed.  If you’re okay with your rep sporting a cheap suit for now until you are ready to make the next move, that’s okay. Have him rock that suit until you outgrow it!  But if you’re ready to stand out from all of your competitors now, and have a kick-ass suit that is perfectly fitted to showcase your awesome rep, then think about investing in a quality, custom site!

Interested in creating a custom site, or redesigning your current store?  Contact us, and receive a free estimate!

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